Aggregation Hub: a pick up location that is managed by Navore Market.
Available: a product is in stock and available for purchase.
Biodynamic: a farming practice developed by Rudolf Steiner focusing on a holistic system that incorporates moon phases and cosmic energy. A certification process is available but not required in order to use the term.
Cage Free Eggs: a term regulated by the USDA to describe eggs from poultry allowed to roam freely in an indoor enclosure.
Cart: the list of items a customer wants to purchase from each producer.
Categories: Fruit, Vegetables, Meat & Fish, Dairy & Eggs, Pantry, Mushrooms, Herbs, Bakery
Cottage Foods Operations: CFO refers to operations that are producing food out of their home kitchens and have a permit.
Customer Photo: photos a customer sends to a producer after receiving their order, producers can elect to repost them to their gallery section in their storefronts.
Customer Review: feedback that a customer sends to a producer after receiving their order, producers can elect to repost them to their News section in their storefronts.
Delivery Notes: notes written by a customer to help the producer have a smooth delivery
Delivery Range: the geographical space a producer has set for their delivery plan.
Dry farming: a farming method that drastically reduces the amount of water used for irrigation by planting crops with deep root structure that access water which is already present in the soil.
Estimated Price: the total dollar amount of an order when a customer first places the order. The final amount will be set once the producer is able to confirm availability and quality of goods.
Farmers: people that grow and sell agricultural goods to customers
Free Range Eggs: a term regulated by the USDA to describe eggs from poultry that have some access to outdoor space.
Frost Burned: produce that has been affected by temperatures below 32 degrees that may cause discoloration or textural damage.
Gallery: the album of photos on a producer’s storefront.
GMO: genetically modified organisms, seeds that are created in a lab by injecting genes from another plant to create a plant with desirable traits.
Grass fed: animals that are fed a non-grain diet with an emphasis on free range grass grazing.
Heirloom: a crop variety from an open-pollinated seed that has been grown and passed down over multiple generations
Hybrid: seeds from plants that have been cross pollinated to ensure the favorable traits of the parent plants are present, creating a more uniform and vigorous crop
Insect Damaged: produce that has been affected by insect population during the growing cycle and may show some aesthetic differences but is otherwise unharmed.
Knowledge Center: Navore’s help center where you can find a collection of questions and articles about Navore and its community.
Latest orders: a customer’s most recent order.
Local: food that is grown or produced in California.
Navore: [nuh-vor] ná: the Old Norse prefix for “near” vore: suffix meaning “one who eats”
Nematodes: microscopic worms found in the soil that can be beneficial but can also cause aesthetic damage to root vegetables
New & Peak Season Produce: some of the current favorites and highlighted products available for purchase on Navore.
News Post: a written post for producer updates including, sharing new products, events, and more that can include photos.
No till: an agriculture technique that does not involve the common farming practice of consistently disturbing or agitating the soil to help reduce soil erosion and increase water retention and carbon sequestration
Open Pollinated: a seed that is fertilized by nature producing plants that are genetically diverse with variation in the plant characteristics.
Order Status: the status of an order can be as follows:
- Processing: the producer is working on gathering the products needed for the order.
- Fulfilled: the producer has collected the products for the order and confirmed availability. This is when a customer is charged the final amount for their order.
- Completed: an order has been successfully delivered by the producer or picked up by the customer.
- Cancelled: an order has been cancelled by either the producer or the customer.
Orders Cancellation Cutoff: “cancellation window” an amount of time (hours) that a producer chooses when a customer is allowed to cancel their order free of charge.
Orders Cutoff: amount of days before the date of delivery or pickup that a customer can place an order.
Organic: a term regulated by the USDA to describe farm or food products that have undergone a third-party certification process to ensure that the growing methods or ingredients abide by the National Organic Program’s Organic System Plan that restricts the use of synthetic inputs.
Out of season: a product is not in season and won’t be available soon.
Out of stock: a product is currently out of stock but will be available soon.
Producers: local farms, ranches, businesses, people who are growing or making products in California for customers in San Diego County
Producer Order minimum (order min): the total dollar amount a customer must purchase from one producer to qualify for a pick up or delivery.
Producer Profile: the unique URL page for each producer. It contains the products, about section, gallery, and news.
Products: anything sold on Navore Market.
Refund Request: when a customer would like a refund for part of or their entire order, they can submit a request to the producer. It is up to the producer to accept or deny the refund request.
Regenerative: a farming and ranching practice that focuses on conservation and rehabilitation in order to increase soil health, water resources, carbon sequestration and environmental factors. A certification process is available but not required in order to use the term.
Seasonality: the time of year a product is typically available. This does not affect the product’s purchasing availability.
Seconds: produce that has flaws but is still edible and is often sold at a reduced price and can be used for processing items like sauces or jams
Specialty Food Companies: producers that create a packaged food product other than a raw agricultural commodity.
Straight from the source: where all the news posts from producers are shown. Customers can visit this section when they want to browse to see what producers are up to.
Storefront: a producer’s page on Navore, also referred to as “store”.
Sunburned: produce that has been affected by the sun that may cause discoloration or blemishes
Virtual tote bag: a cart on Navore Market.
Wind Burned: produce affected by high winds that may cause some aesthetic damage.
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