Regrettably, when using a credit card, someone must cover the associated fees. Our local producers, being small businesses, strive to offer top-quality products at the best possible prices. By customers covering the credit card fees, you're assisting producers in maintaining their business operations.
We add a small fee to customer orders based on the amount ordered and the method you chose for receiving your order so we can keep Navore up and running.
A fee of 6.5% is added to your total order amount and there is an additional $4 Navore fee for deliveries.
We want to keep the cost for both producers and customers as low as possible. This is why we charge customers a Navore fee at checkout. We also believe that it makes more sense to have the Navore fee even lower for pick up orders so pick up orders get charged 6.5% of their order total and deliveries get charged 6.5% +$4.
Whenever the order is a delivery order, the $4 Navore fee, called the supplemental fee, gets added to the order total. The supplemental fee “travels” to the payment processor with the credit card service fee (3.25%). To learn more about the service fee please read "What's with the credit card service fee?".
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